I’ve not blogged in a few weeks so I’m just going to give a quick update on what I’m working on.
First of all, I’ve finished porting my old CodeIgniter based OAuth server code to a composer library. It follows the latest version of the specification (draft 31) and supports the authorisation code and implicit grants. I’ve also started work on some unit tests to ensure that the code is bulletproof. There is a small bit more work to do to support the client resource owner password credentials grant and the client credentials grant. Once I’ve completed this work and finish the unit tests (I’m currently at about 60% code coverage) I’ll make a formal announcement on this blog, to the OAuth working group mailing list and to the PHP community.
I’ve been working with Paul Stainthorp in the library to capture examples of poor user experience when accessing electronic resources in the library. I’ve made videos showing how difficult some resources are to access, and I’ve also been going through recent NSS and level 1 and 2 surveys to find examples of students highlighting problems they’ve had accessing the resources.